Drawing Tips | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

Tips on: surprise me!

How do you turn a character sideways?

In the prior tip, we practiced how to draw a simple story character from the front. 


Leave the eraser behind

Erasers are a tool that more experienced illustrator elves use.  The elf elders encourage younger elves


The gesture of humans

In the previous Drawing tip, we looked at the gesture in some animals and in a


The Parable of the Taoist Farmer

There are two tips here.  The first is: illustrators can practice on stories that someone else


Your sketchbook is YOUR playground

In the previous tip (pack-a-sketchbook), I talked about keeping a sketchbook.  This tip is about thinking

The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories