What do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

We have a deep pond at the entrance to the workshop, full of a rare species of
fish. These fish are ravenously hungry for fears.

What do you fear when you start a story? If you would leave that fear here, the
fish will be fed and your story work will go far better without it!



Tell us a fear or worry that
troubles you when you write...

What do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own storiesWhat do you fear when starting a story? | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

Fears for the Fish | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

Bad luck.


I'm bullied.


That it is not good enough and that I will spell something wrong.


I'm always afraid that it won't be as good as the books "big" authors write. But I'm proven wrong every time my mom says: "This is the best thing you've ever written!!!"  That always makes me feel pretty good, but somehow, even when I hear that more than once, I'm still afraid it won't be as good...


I'm afraid that the message will be lost when the Story is edited down to suit the word count.


I'm afraid that I will never be as good as my friends are at writing, and that I'll always be mediocre.


I overthink about my story and the next steps and decisions. I think my characters will not be developed enough.  I fear I won't ever get to where I want with my story, that it won't have a message.


My stories are boring and never make sense.


I'm making some original characters and new species and I'm scared people will maybe think that my characters are not unique and are all the same...


I fear that I will never start and that my ideas will rattle around my head forever. I fear that I won't have the time to write and will always be busy.  But most of all I fear that I will waste my time because it will never be important enough...


I have trouble starting.  I take a long time to think of an idea.


I am scared that I won't be able to convey the emotions and ideas and characters fully and how they are in my head. I am afraid that people will find my stories silly and unrealistic because my writing style is not very mainstream.


I'm scared that my stories will not be liked by anybody because I am not using 'normal' cliches, or stereotypes, in my stories.


Good graphics and thinking of a storyline.


I am utterly terrified that this thought I have in my head, this grand feeling of an idea for a story I've been working on won't come how I want. Worst yet I'm paralyzed by the idea I'll NEVER be able to write the story with the emotion and impact I want it to have...


Not being able to finish it and leaving it as an idea only. I have this tendency to write sections, never whole stories :/


I'm concerned about my story's realistic-ness and how I can bring my stories to life. Everytime I think of a good story idea, I get excited, write a story about it, read it, then realize that it sounds like it was written by a four-year-old who doesn't know truth from imagination. The story just seems so...2D.


What if I don't know what to write


I worry that my story won't be convincing enough. It's a fantasy story (the world is fictional) but based on true events.


I fear of making human sketches, I fear as they never come out to be good.  I fear failure.


Fear of the dark


I'm afraid that either I have too much or too little figurative language.




That it won't be any good.


My mom told me that I should keep my stories to myself, if I share them they will be ruined and people will think ill of me.


I worry that my story will be too predictable and formulaic.  I worry that I won't have enough surprises or be able to create a world that is very intriguing.


I am afraid that the longer I write I will end up ruining my own story.


I fear that someone will read my deep deep thoughts...


I start writing and when I'm writing I'll write something and it gives me an idea about another story.  So I screw up the page and start again using the idea that popped into my head earlier and then I'll keep getting ideas and starting over and over again.  And I need to work on a better vocabulary because even I get bored of reading my own stories.


That my stories and my videos will not be liked.  After all, I am MUCH different than most people my age idea-wise.  And most kids my age will NEVER pick up my books and read them, or click on one of my videos and ignore them.


That my writing will either offend people or come out as corny. For example, someone bullied me and I wanted to write about it but the bully might get upset. I could write about it at home but I really don't have time.


I want to write about gay rights and sexism but the only time I have time to write is during school. I'm afraid that people will think that my concerns are weird and boring.


My fear is that whatever I write won't be good enough and that people would hate it...


I'm scared of not being able to finish the story. When I start writing the plot, I end up with too much details instead of an easy outline for the story. I also want it to be original, which makes it even harder.




It will never be good enough. It will sound horrible compared to other writers. People will laugh and say I'm not a good writer. That I should just give it up. People will tell me to stop wasting my time on something that will never come true. I'll read what I wrote and think it's horrible. I will never measure up. No one will ever realize what writing means to me.


Writer's block and making a bad story.


It isn't good. I will never be a good writer. I will never be able to turn this blank page into a good story. I will never be able to finish this. My work is horrible.


I fear snakes and spiders.


I can't carry on with my story... And I'm afraid I'll be rushed. Not by my friends; by myself. I also don't include connectives or openers and my scenes are rubbish.


That the plot will get lost in the transition from my brain to the page. Not being able to finish the stories I start on. Trying to make a plan before I start, but I can never seem to follow it and the plan doesn't make sense anymore when I start.


That I will not know what to name a character or creature while writing and have to put off the story to think about it.


When I start a story I don't have any ideas and for one whole lesson all I do is think think think.


That people will think I am copying and stealing ideas.


That it will not be a good story. No one will like it :(


I fear that my story will not turn out the way I want it to. Or that it will lose people's attention.


Having a character that does not come together the way I wanted. Making a horrible new world or type of person/creature.


The dark. Being alone... Never being able to get enough support... Always trying to correct myself... Never feeling like I'm right.


I'm afraid that if I don't build up my confidence soon I'm going to throw my supposed amazing work away.


I always start stories and then I start to fear that I'll give up on them because it's too boring or I don't like it. I am a creative person but I just don't have the creativity to think of places or names of places.


I have no idea what happens in the middle!  I don't want it to be boring!  Can I make something so interesting even if I don't know what to write?


Disappointing readers. I'm an author who doesn't write just for fun, but also for the entertainment of others.  I always listen to criticism and try to improve my work, but at times, it just makes it worse.


What happens when I run out of ideas?


I fear leaving out important things in my work, I fear that I always forget things halfway through the story. That's my fear.  I can't finish things.


What if my story is boring?


I'm afraid the story will be predictable and that people will be able to tell I'm not a "real" artist.


I don't know if my ideas will be good enough to provoke a memorable story. In all honesty, I fear I won't get any ideas at all, and the few ideas I may conjure up won't 'cut it' for a great book.


I'm always afraid of people not liking my work and thinking that I can't draw or that my stories are stupid.


What if I realize the story isn't worth it? What if I get writer's block that never goes away? Would people honestly want to read this? The publishing companies might not even look at it...


I won't be able to transmit my passion for writing to my students.


Grammar!!!! And ideas!!!!!!  And sometimes I am not able to elaborate!



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :(

That I will forget a part and have to re-write.


I fear I don't get any ideas... and the few ideas I do have don't make a great story.


I fear that my (picture book) story will be so boring, that it is not even worth all the time I spent on writing and illustrating it....


I am afraid that my story will be too long and boring.


Everything! This is my 1st story book and I'm nervous about adding too many characters, having the main character meet too many people on his journey to becoming a man and finding his identity.


That people won't like what I wrote.


I don't know if my ideas are good ones to write about.


What if my story is boring?